Thursday, January 1, 2009

Rex Resolution 2: Diagnose Mord

January 2nd 2009, first real Rex episode also knocked over.

Moser gets himself admitted, posing as an alcoholic, to solve the mystery of several deaths, scores himself a few free drinks and hits on the nursing sister along the way.

A snippet above courtesy of YouTube but, sadly, dubbed in Italian.

Other players include Michael Brandner (above) (Prohaska), Karin Kienzer (nurse) and Karl Ferdinand Kratzl (depressive), all shown above in order. Note picture size does not represent importance! Recycled Rex has to take whatever it can find.

Also, Hans Kraemer, Bruno Thost (ab0ve), neither of whose IMDB records record this episode.

Two more Recycled Rexers in Ernst Konarek, simply listed as an alcoholic in this episode and Anton Pischinger in EttrichsTaube (2003), Erwin Leder, whose IMDB record fails to mention this episode but lists him as 'museum guide' in Rex raecht sich' (1999).

Time for a Kuemmelschnapps?

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