Gedeon Burkhard at the German premiere of Inglorious Basterds. See more photos here.
There might be quite a gap between the films of Quentin Tarantino and Inspector Rex but I'm sure Gedeon would have been swamped by Rex tragics if he'd made the trip down here to the premiere. Sadly, we missed out.
Any Recycled Rexers seen this movie? Prepared to share? Drop me a line at kleinewurstsemmelATgmail.com.
Thanks for the snap, WS. I note the movie has been advertised alot on our tv screens here lately. I just don't think I can face it...Hitler saying "Nein, nein, nein" and Brad Pitt saying "Yes, yes, yes" apparently in reply...! Gedeon seems quite casually dressed for the premiere, doesn't he?
Yes, I noticed that too. Mind you, he could wear a paper bag and I wouldn't mind *wink*
I'm conflicted about this movie too. I'm no Tarantino fan and I can't really take Brad Pitt seriously but I'm curious about Gedeon's role. Chances are someone else will rent it and then I'll 'flick' through it to satisfy my curiousity.
Yep, paper bag - no worries! Renting it might be the way to go then I can skip some of the really violent scenes...I have heard it's actually a remake of a French film.
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