Well, you know what a tear jerker the last episode was. This week Rex returns on SBS, Wednesday, 7.30pm ...so we can presume that Rex lived. Still, be prepared to ring out those hankies and recycle. Rex has never been one to let you off the hook when it comes to a quick weep.
The new series, 10 in Australia, is still set in Rome. I've been trying to find out what is happening with regard to Rex moving back to Vienna but heard nothing. No news, as they say, is good news. Let's hope so.
Back to logging Rex episodes soon....
Thank you, Wurst Semmel! I had no idea we were going to be seeing the new Rex. Hurrah! I believe the show is going back to Vienna some time - the mayor there - is it Haupl? - said a couple of months ago how glad he was that it was coming back to Vienna. But who would be the new Inspector? I'm presuming our Italian friend would stay in Rome??
I'm really pleased reading your posts about Stockinger, as I do love this character, too. I'm also the representative of a Russian site dedicated to this wonderful series "Kommissar Rex". Recently I've downloaded the full 14 episodes of "Stockinger" (well, not all of them, download is still in process, but it won't take long), but the matter is that I can't find any subtitles, neither in German nor in English, leaving alone Russian. Would you please help me? Maybe you know if they exist somewhere or maybe you know some people who could help? For our site and me personally it is very important as German is not our native tongue, and even not the second - I hope my English is enough fine. :) But it's still a pleasure to watch the series in its native language, So, please, I hope a fan can understand a fan better that any other person, We would appreciate any answer. Thank you in advance.
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