Yes, it's that time again.
To think at the beginning of the year, I promised to put up a Rex episode a day. Hmm. That resolution slid but I will be continuing, just been waylaid with work, study and life in general. Now, with a bit of a break ahead, things should start moving again.
Those of us experiencing extreme heat, especially us northern hemispherers who still can't get our heads around a hot Christmas, take time out to visit Merisi's Vienna - guaranteed to satisfy the need for a real sense of the Christmas period.
Here's hoping Santa drops me off Rex 10, especially as I've been missing out on episodes,. However, in an early and rather unexpected visit, he dropped me off Wasabi (lhasa apso), only 10 weeks old, to keep Sushi (another lhasa apso) company. Expect me to be doing much mopping inbetween relaxing with Rex.
At least Rex is housetrained!
Seasons Greetings to all.
Seasons Greetings to you, Wurst Semmel. Thanks for a blogging year of Rex magic. Better get those puppies of yours trained up to open doors, chase criminals, defuse bombs, eat ham rolls...and last, but not least, 'suche!'
Wow! That was quick, Feronia. They may not be Rex but these are smart little doggies.Wasabi has already worked out a climbing route to get to the dinner table level. Still, smart as they are, I can't imagine Moser et al. running around with two tiny balls of fur!
Have a great Christmas, Feronia.
I am so sorry I arrived only now to read your latest posts! Thank you so much for pointing your readers to my humble blog!
I hope your new year started well,
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