Well, snowed under with work and haven't got to another Rex episode yet. Plan to put up the next episode soon.
However, I did finally get to watch 'Inglourious Basterds'. Now, I'm no Tarantino fan and my interest in watching this movie was purely Rex-related, in terms of checking out Brandtner (Gedeon Burkhard). Later, I also discovered Christoph Waltz was in the movie, who I loved in 'Der Puppenmoerder' back in the earlier Moser series of Rex.
Well, the movie itself was okay. Thankfully not as violent as other Tarantino efforts, although I found the scalping a little challenging to watch.However, Gedeon's role turned out to be a bit of a non-event. He had very few lines, woefully underused and was taken out halfway through. No Rex to watch his back!
Waltz owned the movie, owned it. No wonder he won the Oscar. If you watch the movie for any reason, he should be it. If you don't fancy the movie, revisit him in 'Der Puppenmoerder'.
I liked the continual change between languages, although the sound quality made some of the language hard to catch in places. If you're no lingust, you might find the frequent use of non-English dialogue irritating.
I thought Brad Pitt was plain cheesy but I'm no fan and usually avoid his movies....and Mike Meyers as the General Ed Fenech was just plain stupid. He still seemed to be channeling Austin Powers. If he'd let slip a 'yeah, baby, yeah', I wouldn't have been a bit surprised.
I would find it hard to get past the trifecta of Tarantino, Pitt & Myers but for Waltz...I can so imagine him in this role given his extreme creepiness in Rex.
Schließlich bekam, was ich suchte! Ich genieße jeden Fall etwas davon. Froh, dass ich stolperte in diesem Artikel! Lächeln Ich habe dich gerettet, um zu überprüfen, neue Sachen die sie veröffentlichen.
Hi dudes, I'm Justin from Canada My hobbies are Electronics and football. I work for a video game qa company.
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