I have to say this is a little harder again now I'm back at work and have to meet other commitments. However, a resolution is a resolution, right? Or maybe this is because this is probably one of my least favourite episodes.
Timely though. A vagrant is murdered in the courtyard of a Viennese apartment block on New Year's Eve, although the initial case Moser attends is that of a woman resident of the apartment block who appears to have hung herself. In Rex, nothing is ever as it seems and so it goes in this case.
One thing I've noticed is that Austrian actors are extremely good at playing dead. Check it out. Unlike bodies in series of CSI and the like, not a single blink or raise of the chest. Very impressive.
This episode is noteworthy in offering the first near naked shot of Moser (he loves to get his kit off, doesn't he?), modesty just saved by a wellplaced doona. Puritanical (or is that envious really?) Stocki gets a shock when he encounters Moser's one night stand and then comes across a hungover Hoellerer in the bath. Hoellerer, thankfully, has the sense to keep his clothes on.

Other players include the late Bruno Dallansky as Ferdinand Riedl, and Alexandra Hilverth as Sissy Kovarik, both pictured above.
Also, Michael Thomas, who appears to have no IMDB record.

More Recycled Rexers in Hilde Berger, this episode as Frau Riedl, Mord a la carte (1997) as Elvira Konrad, Frank Buchrieser above in a recurring role? as Kurt Kovarik (unsure how this works) in this episode and Das Testament (1999) and Herbert Pendel, Doppler here and Swoboda in Der Fluck der Mumie (2003).
See? Episode 3 and the 'recycling' is already well-entrenched!
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