Again, no You Tube video for this episode from 1994 but, as it's based around Schoenbrunn and I still struggle with hot Christmases, how about this snippet of a snow covered Schoenbrunn park?
You know the old saying about make sure you have clean underwear on when you go out, just in case? Well, this episode should serve as a warning to make sure you have more than just your underwear on when parading around Schoenbrunn in your fur coat. Nothing good can possibly come of it.
Of course, if it were otherwise, we wouldn't have Episode 4: The body at Schoenbrunn.
Evidence from an elderly lady leads Moser to suspect a keeper from the zoo but, without blowing too much of the plot, it wasn't him who was the animal!
Also, much amusement all around at the unfortunately named, philandering gynaecologist, Dr. Fuchs.

Other players in this episode include Karlheinz Hackl
Also, not listed with IMDB, Hans Poeschl and, not listed for this episode, Hans Pemmer.

More Recyclers with Hilde Sochor, not credited with IMDB for this episode but listed for Stockis Last Case (1996), and Gertraud Jesserer, Frau Fuchs in this episode and as nasty inmate Sylvia Manz in Mord Im Gafaengnis (2004). Good job there's a change in Kommissar, otherwise the plot would be over before it even started!
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